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Love Your Awa/Stream Workshop at Puhinui Reserve

Totara Park, Wairere Rd 90R Wairere Rd, Manurewa

Join Whitebait Connection and AC Parks at our FREE workshop on freshwater streams at Puhinui Reserve! Workshop Highlights: • Stream Creatures: Discover the fish and invertebrates that live in our…


Fair Food Kai Sort

Event Series Fair Food Kai Sort
Fair Food New Zealand 624 Rosebank Road, Avondale

Join us for a volunteer shift at Fair Food! Our amazing volunteers work at our Avondale Hub, sorting surplus healthy and nutritious food donated by our partner organisations. This kai…


Power Up your Apartment Building

Ellen Melville Centre 2 Freyberg Place,Central Auckland

Is your apartment building ready for the future? Power up your Apartment Building for resilience and  efficiency Imagine:-Seamless EV charging for residents.-Uninterrupted power with solar/batteries during outages.- Reliable backup systems…


Power Up your Apartment Building

Ellen Melville Centre 2 Freyberg Place,Central Auckland

Power Up Your Apartment: Resilience and Efficiency for City Living Is your apartment building ready for the future? Imagine: -Seamless EV charging for residents. -Uninterrupted power with solar/batteries during outages.…


Feeding Bellies, Not Bins

Event Series Feeding Bellies, Not Bins!
Everybody Eats Glen Innes 133 Line Road, Glen Innes

Join us for dinner and help us on our mission to reduce food waste.  We turn perfectly good surplus produce, destined for landfill, into delicious, nutritious 3-course meals. With the…


Composting Workshop Onehunga

Onehunga Community Centre 83 Church Street, Onehunga

At Onehunga Community Centre in the Mountjoy Room, this composting workshop will be facilitated by Adam and offer an introduction to composting with the three most common and easy composting systems that…


Meat Free Mondays Dinner at Waiheke Island 

Waiheke Sustainability Centre 1a Mako Street, Oneroa

Join one of the most popular events on Waiheke! ‘Meat Free Mondays International Dinners’ This month we visit Algeria to enjoy a plant-based meal inspired by and hailing from Algeria!…


Pollinator Discovery Trail

Event Series Pollinator Discovery Trail
Howick Historical Village 75 Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga

Set out on a hunt in the gardens at the Howick Historical Village! Find hidden emblems of birds, bees and other insects and learn about their vital role as pollinators in…

$8 – $16

Fair Food Kai Sort

Event Series Fair Food Kai Sort
Fair Food New Zealand 624 Rosebank Road, Avondale

Join us for a volunteer shift at Fair Food! Our amazing volunteers work at our Avondale Hub, sorting surplus healthy and nutritious food donated by our partner organisations. This kai…


Fruitvale school Pop up Wheels Event

Fruitvale Primary school 40 Fruitvale Road, New Lynn

Fruitvale School are hosting a Pop-Up Wheels event in  collaboration with EcoMatters Bike  Bring along your bike and learn how to maintain and look after it,  learn skills like carrying…


Upcycled & Recycled Jewellery Making Workshop

Waiheke Sustainability Centre 1a Mako Street, Oneroa

Join Hadas Ore in making jewellery from recycled materials as well as found or ready-made materials. Hadas has been making jewellery since she was 10 years old and collecting beads…


Practical Preserving At Home – Kimchi

Kelmarna Community Farm 12 Hukanui Crescent, Ponsonby

Practical Preserving At Home: Kimchi with Ellen Schindler Keen on a way to boost flavour in your food while helping improve gut health? What about with a delectable, spicy condiment that you can…

$26 – $40

Feeding Bellies, Not Bins

Event Series Feeding Bellies, Not Bins!
Everybody Eats Glen Innes 133 Line Road, Glen Innes

Join us for dinner and help us on our mission to reduce food waste.  We turn perfectly good surplus produce, destined for landfill, into delicious, nutritious 3-course meals. With the…


DugOut – Special Screening

Waiheke Community Cinema Artworks Complex 127-129 Ocean View Road

Humankind has been using dugout canoes for over 8,000 years. But this doesn’t mean that building one from scratch is easy, as film-maker Benjamin Sadd and artist James Trundle, both…


Behind the Scenes at West Lynn Garden

West Lynn Garden 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn

This is your opportunity to come and meet our highly experienced gardeners who are always happy to offer practical advice and seasonal information on plants, trees and shrubs in your…


Pollinator Discovery Trail

Event Series Pollinator Discovery Trail
Howick Historical Village 75 Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga

Set out on a hunt in the gardens at the Howick Historical Village! Find hidden emblems of birds, bees and other insects and learn about their vital role as pollinators in…

$8 – $16

Grow Your Own Microgreens workshop – Mount Albert

Mount Roskill LIbrary 546 Mount Albert Road, Three Kings

Join us in the world of microgreens, sprouts, and homegrown salads in this interactive workshop. Learn how to cultivate these nutritious greens at home, from seed to harvest, and create a…


Mandarin Workshop: Food Scraps Journey

Onehunga Library 85 Church Street, Onehunga

Join us for an engaging workshop where we explore the fascinating journey of food scraps before they disappear! We’ll talk about: The Importance of Food Scrap Bins: Discover why Auckland…

Free (Donations Welcome)

Fair Food Kai Sort

Event Series Fair Food Kai Sort
Fair Food New Zealand 624 Rosebank Road, Avondale

Join us for a volunteer shift at Fair Food! Our amazing volunteers work at our Avondale Hub, sorting surplus healthy and nutritious food donated by our partner organisations. This kai…


Welcome To Waiheke Potluck

Waiheke Sustainability Centre 1a Mako Street, Oneroa

Haere mai new Waiheke residents!  Have you come to live on Waiheke in the last year or so and are looking to learn more about being sustainable at home or…


Feeding Bellies, Not Bins

Event Series Feeding Bellies, Not Bins!
Everybody Eats Glen Innes 133 Line Road, Glen Innes

Join us for dinner and help us on our mission to reduce food waste.  We turn perfectly good surplus produce, destined for landfill, into delicious, nutritious 3-course meals. With the…


Atiu Creek Weedbusting! 10 -11th April

Ātiu Creek Regional Park 414 Run Road, Tapora

This year we need your help maintaining existing restoration planting sites, combatting invasive pest plants in various parts of the park and ensuring the best outcomes for the young plants…


Te Ara Awataha: Volunteering Working Bee (10 April)

21 Kaka Street 21 Kaka Street, Northcote

Join us in growing a regular volunteer group for regeneration working bees! Become a part of our dedicated volunteer group, meeting monthly to help regenerate Northcote’s new greenway. We’re calling…

Pollinator Discovery Trail

Event Series Pollinator Discovery Trail
Howick Historical Village 75 Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga

Set out on a hunt in the gardens at the Howick Historical Village! Find hidden emblems of birds, bees and other insects and learn about their vital role as pollinators in…

$8 – $16

Green Advocacy: Your Voice Matters

Room 311-319 34 Princes Street, Northcote Point

Do you want to make your voice count in shaping New Zealand’s laws?  Join us, a student-led group of law students from the University of Auckland, as we dissect the…


Fair Food Kai Sort

Event Series Fair Food Kai Sort
Fair Food New Zealand 624 Rosebank Road, Avondale

Join us for a volunteer shift at Fair Food! Our amazing volunteers work at our Avondale Hub, sorting surplus healthy and nutritious food donated by our partner organisations. This kai…


KiwiSaver 101: Money and Happiness – Waiheke

Waiheke Sustainability Centre 1a Mako Street, Oneroa

Learn how to feel good while you save for your future, with award-winning ethical KiwiSaver Plan, Pathfinder. Investing shapes the world we live in, join this session to discover how…


Feeding Bellies, Not Bins

Event Series Feeding Bellies, Not Bins!
Everybody Eats Glen Innes 133 Line Road, Glen Innes

Join us for dinner and help us on our mission to reduce food waste.  We turn perfectly good surplus produce, destined for landfill, into delicious, nutritious 3-course meals. With the…


Butterflies in Blockhouse Bay – Treasure Hunt

Blockhouse Bay Shops 556 Blockhouse Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay

Find the beautiful butterflies in shops around Blockhouse Bay from 11 March. Write the name of the store you visited on the entry form, downloadable from our website. Be in…


Harakeke Weaving in Te Atatū

Event Series Harakeke Weaving in Te Atatū!
Te Atatū Peninsula Library and Community Centre 595 Te Atatū Road, Te Atatū Peninsula

For those interested in weaving with harakeke, come along and join our group of weavers who meet at the community centre every Friday during the school term. Bring your own project…


Native Nursery Workshop

Event Series Native Nursery Workshop
EcoMatters Nursery 4 Olympic Place, New Lynn

Join Chrissy the seed whisperer to help with native plant and seed propagation. Muck in and learn about how it's done and how native plants contribute to protecting our land…


Pollinator Discovery Trail

Event Series Pollinator Discovery Trail
Howick Historical Village 75 Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga

Set out on a hunt in the gardens at the Howick Historical Village! Find hidden emblems of birds, bees and other insects and learn about their vital role as pollinators in…

$8 – $16

Fair Food Kai Sort

Event Series Fair Food Kai Sort
Fair Food New Zealand 624 Rosebank Road, Avondale

Join us for a volunteer shift at Fair Food! Our amazing volunteers work at our Avondale Hub, sorting surplus healthy and nutritious food donated by our partner organisations. This kai…


Foodtogether Pop-Up

Event Series Foodtogether
Bayview Community Centre 72 Bayview Road, Bayview

Bayview Community Centre is supporting social enterprise Foodtogether to offer fresh and affordable fruit & vegetables at a weekly ‘Pop-Up’. There are various options that you can pre-order using the Foodtogether ‘Community Co-Op’ service.  The…

Select from the website

Flower Pressing Workshop

Event Series Flower pressing workshop
Howick Historical Village 75 Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga

🌷 Explore the gardens and discover the delicate art of flower-pressing in the beautiful setting of the Howick Historical Village! A favourite pastime of the Victorians, flowers, foliage and ferns…

$25 – $40

Massive Zero Waste EcoFest Sale

Event Series Massive Ecofest Sale
Wairau Zero Waste Hub 9 Porana Road, Wairau

Don’t miss our epic EcoFest sale—our prices are already too good to pass up! In the spirit of #zerowaste and the #circulareconomy, we’re offering a DIY discount to anyone who buys an item…


Tech Careers in a Changing Climate

Ellen Melville Centre 2 Freyberg Place,Central Auckland

Target Audience: Product and technology professionals, including agilists, engineers, designers and innovators. Join us for a forward-looking event designed to help technology and product professionals explore the impacts our industries…


Te Aka Kōtuia: Plant Division Workshop

Maungawhau Nursery Puhi Huia Road

Join us for this hands-on workshop at Maungawhau Nursery where we will cover propagation by plant division. We will learn about a range of species that can be propagated for…


Tree Rescue

332 Brookby Road 332 Brookby Road, Brookby

Roll up your sleeves and join us for a 'Tree Rescue' half-day to help us free up our planted native plants from weeds and give them the best chance of…


Intro to Rongoā Māori Medicine

Waiheke Adult Learning Centre 2 Korora Rd, Oneroa

An introduction to Rongoā: Māori Medicine and Healing with Donna Kerridge This 2 day workshop (9:30am-4pm, 12 & 13 April) provides an introduction to Māori medicine and healing concepts and…


Make the Most of Feijoas – LFHW

Auckland Botanic Gardens 102 Hill Road, The Gardens, Auckland 2105

Feijoas are a Kiwi favourite, but heaps of fruit end up in the bin every year. Join us to discover how to make the most of this seasonal treasure! Drop…
